Karate Scenario Outline with Parameters
One of the drawbacks of using a Scenario Outline
is that the values in the Examples
table cannot be constructed via variables. An example would be when one of your table columns contains an endpoint and you want to source the base path from a variable allowing you to change the IP address and port in a single place for all tests.
* def host = localhost:8080
| endpoint |
| '#(host)/health' |
Currently this would not evaluate correctly within the examples block, it would simply be evaluated as text e.g. as #(host)/health
Instead you need to make use of the Dynamic Scenario Outline, typically this involves reading from a static json file. This isn’t much use to us as we still cannot evaluate or construct variables.
What we can do however is reference a flat json structure within the feature file, in this way we can still reference variables and perform string concatenation.
* def corsPreflightValues =
{ "verb": "GET", "endpoint": '#(host + "/attribute-types")' },
{ "verb": "GET", "endpoint": '#(host + "/attribute-types/" + attributeTypeId)' },
{ "verb": "GET", "endpoint": '#(host + "/attribute-types/" + attributeTypeId + "/attributes")' },
{ "verb": "GET", "endpoint": '#(host + "/attributes/" + attributeId)' },
Scenario Outline: CORS preflight <verb> <endpoint>
Given url endpoint
And header Origin = allowedDomain
And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
And header Access-Control-Request-Method = verb
And header Access-Control-Request-Headers = 'Content-Type'
When method OPTIONS
Then status 200
And match header Access-Control-Allow-Origin == allowedDomain
And match header Vary contains 'Origin'
| corsPreflightValues |
Note here that the entire string needs to be encapsulated in single quotes to do the variable referencing, even the standard strings, which is a slightly different format to the embedded expression referencing within strings you typically see.