When installing MySQL on Ubuntu/Debian you are prompted for a root password and then asked to confirm this again via a minimal GUI. This poses problems when attempting to script the installation of MySQL and these problems are then compounded when attempting to do so via puppet.

Disabling Debconf Interaction

You can turn off the interactive GUI that the MySQL installer uses to prompt for the root username and password by exporting a shell variable:

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"

This “frontend” is actually part of debconf which is the Debian Configuration Management system, this is the system that installers can ask questions of (in the case of re-installation or upgrades) or through (in the case of first time install) to get user preferences for installation. Essentially it provides a gui to query the user for information and a database to store it.

Setting the debconf values

In order to know what the entries in debconf look like for setting the root password I installed MySQL via the installer and entered a default root password at each prompt and various other non-critical settings it asks for. Then I queried debconf directly for values relating to mysql using the following command: sudo debconf-get-selections | grep mysql.

From that ouput the two following entries piqued my interest:

mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password
mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass  password

Now we need to find a way of putting these values into debconf so they can be referenced by the installer, this is done using /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections through puppet exec calls:

  exec {"set root password":
    path => "/bin/",
    command => "/bin/echo mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password ${password} | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections",

  exec {"confirm root password":
    path => "/bin/",
    command => "/bin/echo mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass  password ${password} | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections",

Disabling Debconf interaction with Puppet

The export for disabling debconf interaction mentioned previously doesn’t work for puppet as shell variables cannot be exported via puppet’s exec resource using the command parameter which presents a problem as we cannot implicitly set this value via an exec call. The package resource type doesn’t provide a way to export these values either.
This rules out making an exec call to export the DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive global variable followed by installation using puppet’s dpkg package provider.

  exec {"mysql-community-server":
    path => ["/usr/bin/","/bin/","/usr/sbin", "/sbin", "/usr/local/sbin"],
    environment => ["DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive"],
    command =>  "dpkg -i ${local_install_dir}${mysql_community_server_file}",
    logoutput => on_failure,
    notify => Service["mysql"],
    require =>  [File["${mysql_community_server_file}"],
      Exec["set root password"],
      Exec["confirm root password"],

Although as can be seen above it is possible to use an exec resource to install the package using dpkg (debian package manager) and then take advantage of the environment parameter to set our environmental/shell variable=value.

Now we have a way of entering values into debconf ready for an unassisted installation of MySQL and have a way of making puppet honour the DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive global variable so that the unassisted installation doesn’t hang waiting for user input.