When moving to Java 11 it isn’t just your own code that needs to be updated to work with Java 11’s modular system.

Using the maven-jdeps-plugin you can check which of your maven dependencies and which parts of your own code use which modules of the JRE:

                <goal>jdkinternals</goal> <!-- verify main classes -->
                <goal>test-jdkinternals</goal> <!-- verify test classes -->

I encountered the not very informative Unsupported class file major version 55 error indicating that Java 11 was unsupported by the maven-dependency-plugin.

Except the version I was using was supposedly supported.

After some digging around I discovered this open issue MDEP-613 in the maven shared library bug tracker.
It indicated that the maven-dependency-analyzer version used by the dependency plugin didn’t support Java 11 and an updated version had not been released yet.

The solution was to add a specific version (1.11.1) of the maven-dependency-analyzer within the maven-dependency-plugin declaration like below, thereby forcing the version to be used:


In summary sometimes you will also need to update maven dependencies to work with Java 11 as well, now I finally have maven playing nicely with Java 11!